A-level chemistry videos and notes

Pdf files and videos for A-level chemistry. Use the links to take you to a topic.

Relative Atomic Mass and Mass / Mole Calculations
Empirical formula
Titration calculations
Hess Cycles
Born Haber Cycles
Equilibrium, Calculating Kc

Relative Atomic Mass and Mass / Mole Calculations

Empirical Formula

Learning to calculate simplest ratio of atoms in a compound (empirical formula). Calculating molecular formula using relative formula mass.

Titration Calculations

Worked examples of titration questions. Oxidation of Fe(II) ions by Mn(VII) ions, neutralisation of sodium carbonate by HCl.

Hess Cycles

Hess cycles as used in A-level chemistry. Includes discussion of enthalpy level diagrams, and Hess cycles using formation, combustion and bond enthalpies.

Born Haber Cycles

Introduction to Born Haber cycles, including their relation to Hess Cycles. Explanation of the energies involved including bond breaking, forming gases, ions and lattice energy. Suitable for A-level chemistry or equivalent.

Equilibrium, Calculating Kc

Set of videos explaining how to calculate Kc in equilibrium questions, aimed at around A-level or International Baccalaureate standard. Examples include propanoic acid and ethanol, hydrogen iodide and nitrogen dioxide.

Acid Base

Buffer Solutions

Worked example question about buffer solutions. Includes pH calculations using Ka, change in pH on addition of a small amount of H+, and comparison to adding the same amount of H+ to water.


Set of videos explaining electrochemistry, aimed at around A-level or International Baccalaureate standard.

Radical Substitution

Set of tutorials on radical chlorination of methane, suitable for AS chemistry, International Baccalaureate or equivalent. Content includes mechanism using half curly arrows, initiation, propagation, termination and discussion of side products and other issues.


Set of tutorials on alkenes, suitable for AS chemistry, International Baccalaureate or equivalent.

Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Set of videos giving an introductory course on proton NMR, aimed at around A-level or International Baccalaureate standard. Includes discussion of integration, chemical shift and coupling.